legal. There has been accumulating over a long period of time a great deal of evidence that, all too frequently, police officers themselves have incited the very acts for which they have subsequently arrested their companions. This is especially true of homosexual solicitations.
physique figure drawings of the human male, published by Der Kreis in Zurich. Each book has 100 slick-paper plates taken from issues of the senior homophile magazine of the world. Included are the works of artists such as Picasso, Mario de Graff, Jean Boullet, and the fine camera work of the late Rolf of New York, and others from the U.S. and Europe. Viewed by many students of art and photography, no one (outside of Cus-
And there is much yet to be uncovvered about "selective enforcement" -i.e., enforcing the law only against those people you don't like! None of this leads to respect of potoms) considers either of the volumes lice authority.
If police authorities are to regain -and maintain-some of the respect that the newspapers-belatedly-have been noticing that they are not always ! getting (newspapers prefer to keep their heads in the sand about that sort of thing, as evidenced in the Californian a number of months ago), then they shouldn't have far to look. It is always important that a police
executive remember that he is not a director of a corporation producing a commodity for which a market must
be created.
The slow motion wheels of U.S. Customs are now grinding away at another look at two volumes of imported photographs and drawings to determine if they are in reality obscene in terms of the tariff act of 1930.
The volumes are "Der Mann in Photographie" and a subsequent book of
obscene in the least. Any such declaration, it has been pointed out, would automatically place all U.S. and foreign physique magazines in the same category, and this is not even a remote possibility, because the U.S. Supreme Court set aside a petition (June 25) in which it was sought to have three such magazines declared unmailable in the U.S. The
Court declared it would not consider the matter, so their place in the mails
is assured.
A few months ago Customs permitted the importation of the two Der Kreis volumes, and collected duty on the shipments to Dorian Book Service. Then in May came the reversal of its policy: the books were now ruled obscene.
Along with copies destined for another bookseller, the impounded shipments caused Dorian to start legal action to have the materials cleared. Assistant Customs Collector O'Riley at San Francisco, notified that this action was being initiated, stated on June 27th that he would once more submit the copies for another review
mattachine REVIEW
and ruling, with the possibility that Customs might change its position. Thus until that result is known, the action hangs in suspense. Many back orders for the books are being held up by Dorian at the present time. It has been a disappointment to have to notify those who have
ordered these books that the longdelayed shipments are now held up even longer. We know the delay is an even greater disappointment to them, but perhaps these volumes, if cleared in the near future, will have even greater value as collector's items.
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